Sunday, April 20, 2008

Piteous Pathetic Phony Phishing Proposal

This is as real as it gets!!

In my email inbox this morning was this entry in the Pathetic Phishing Award of 2008


Message From Shell Petroleum Development Company
Subject: Congratulation You Have Won Our Grand Price (One Million Unite States Of America Dollas)
thank you,

I suppose that Bob of Murray State figured that if I can read I'm probably not a good phish.

Actually the scam is more interesting than it appears on the surface. You see the real Bob is Dr. Robert Lxxxxx Chair, Department of Journalism and Mass Communications at Murray State University.


  1. How could you ever doubt Bob? The Royal Dutch Shell does not run a shell game, sir!

    With windfalls in the hundreds of billions, why wouldn't they be giving away a million?

    And it sounds like Bob goes to Mass every day!

    Nothing less than a Royal Mass Communication!

  2. Don't listen to dian. Very funny post. thanks
